for de fleste nordmenn under krigen, det være seg kongen, soldater eller hvalfangere, var jernbanestasjonen det første stedet de kom til, med de første 300 i juni 1940.…
For most war time Norwegians, whether king, soldier or whaler, the railway station was their point of arrival with the first 300 in June 1940.…
Fotball - et populært spill under krigen, som i dag, med mange kamper spilt mellom eksilsoldater og lokale klubber, slik som Greystone Rovers.…
A popular past time in the war years, as it is today, with many games played between soldiers in exile and local clubs such as Greystone Rovers.…
dette vår det kulturelle senteret eksilnordmenn, i hjertet av Dumfries. Et sted for god mat, verksteder og vennskap, og fødestedet for The Scottish Norwegian Society.…
The cultural centre for Norwegians in exile in the heart of Dumfries. A place of food, workshops and friendship and birthplace of the Scottish Norwegian Society.…
ble det første og viktigste bostedet for mange som kom til Dumfries. Etter som antallet nordmenn raskt vokste ble dette et viktig tilfluktssted, og noen ganger preget kaos.…
The first and main place of residence for many arriving into Dumfries. As numbers quickly rose it was a place of refuge and sometimes chaos.…
var et yndet sted for gudstjenester for mange nordmenn i Dumfries og er nå stedet der noen av dem hviler.…
A frequent place of worship for many Norwegians in Dumfries and is now the site where some now rest.…
At sted for gudstjenester for feiring for våre norske gjester, med bryllup fra denne tiden som bringer oss fram til hvem vi er i dag.…
A place of worship and celebration for our Norwegian visitors with marriages from this time running through who we are today.…
As researcher on Our Norwegian Story I have been finding information and photos about Norwegians in Dumfries through interviews, books and online sources. However this story will never be ‘finished’ and I can’t wait to find out what other people still have to share.…
As researcher on Our Norwegian Story I have been finding information and photos about Norwegians in Dumfries through interviews, books and online sources. However this story will never be ‘finished’ and I can’t wait to find out what other people still have to share.…
I have been lead artist on The Stove’s Our Norwegian Story project spending the last year finding creative ways to explore this fascinating part of Dumfries’ Story and the many ways it is relevant to us today. We have only scraped the surface…it is exciting to see where it may grow!…
I have been lead artist on The Stove’s Our Norwegian Story project spending the last year finding creative ways to explore this fascinating part of Dumfries’ Story and the many ways it is relevant to us today. We have only scraped the surface…it is exciting to see where it may grow!…
Broomlands House ble brukt som den norske offisermessen, og det var her Kong Haakon spiste da han var på besk i Dumfries i 1940.…
Broomlands House was used as the Norwegian Officers’ Mess, and where King Haakon dined during his visit to Dumfries.…
Craigdarroch ble en av de viktigste basene for den norske hæren, med 150 menn fra den nye norske brigaden nr. 1's kompani som ankom høsten 1940 - siden det lå i et isolert område med sauefarmer var det ideelt for militærøvelser.…
Craigdarroch House was allocated to a special unit of the Norwegian Army for a short period during the war.…
Under krigen ble Newlands House brukt som et norsk militærsykehus, med utelukkende norsk personale. Det ble stilt til disposisjon av eieren Walter Duncan - på betingelse at det etter krigen ble returnert i samme stand! På ytterveggen av huset er det tre plaketter som minner om husets tid som syke…
During the war Newlands House was used as a Norwegian military hospital staffed entirely by Norwegian personnel. It was made available by permission of the owner Walter Duncan - on the condition that after the war it was returned in the same condition! On an exterior wall of the house are three plaq…
Et sted langs Troqueer Rd - vi ønsker ikke å si nøyaktig hvor, siden det er en privatbolig, men det er over gaten for møllene som ligger her.…
Banken - the front room of a private residence just off Troqueer Rd was used for the Norwegian bank so that money could be exchanged.…
Utviklet seg fra det eldste stedet for gudsdyrkelse i Dumfries, ble dagens Gothic Revival-krike bygget i 1868, på stedet der en gammel kirke hadde stått, og i nærheten av det opprinnelige Greyfriars-klosteret.…
Having developed from the oldest place of worship within Dumfries, the present Gothic Revival church was built in 1868, on the site of a previous church and close to the original Greyfriars monastery.…
The Hole in the Wall var, og er fremdeles, et sted for hygge og moro, populært både både blant soldater og lokale innbyggere.…
The Hole in the Wall was, and still is, a place of socialising and merriment, commonplace for soldiers and residents alike.…
Taket på Duncow Primary School skal etter sigende ha blitt gjenoppbygget av nordmenn under krigen. All informasjon som bekrefter eller utdyper dette vil bli varmt mottatt!…
The roof of Duncow Primary School was rebuilt by Norwegians during the war.…